Most dog owners will travel from time to time or have some other reason why they can’t leave their pet alone at home. When that’s the case, it’s time to start looking into the options for boarding for dogs. Dog boarding dogs is different than using a doggie daycare. As the name implies, daycare is for the day, while boarding is an overnight situation. Both are useful and sometimes necessary for the dog owner.
When you’re first looking into boarding your dog overnight it can be a little scary to think about the facilities and who will be taking care of your pet. But your worries will be resolved when you actually start looking into the options. There are about 9,000 options for boarding for dogs in the U.S. and Canada alone so rest assured that your ideal option is out there.
When you’re looking for a place to board your dog, inquiring with your dog’s veterinarian can be a good place to start. Also asking around at the dog park can provide you with lots of valuable insights. When you decide on some places to check out, you should ask for a tour of the facilities. The facilities should always be clean, well-lit, and have the appropriate amount of staff on hand. The ideal ratio of handler to dogs is 1 to ten. Of course, the more people that are there, the more attention your pet is going to get.
Some boarding places provide both the services of dog daycare and boarding. When this is the case they also might have the options to add on some other services such as doggy grooming. Getting your dog groomed is an important task but it can be time-consuming as an errand, so it makes sense to combine the task with the daycare or boarding whenever possible.
Professional doggy grooming not only makes your pet look great but also keeps up their health as well. Regular grooming ensures that your dog’s skin is healthy, and pets who are brushed regularly end up shedding less. When your dog’s nails are clipped regularly it helps ensure that they are walking with the proper posture.