Do you have an active dog in your household? Stats show that over 44 percent of homes in America have a dog.
Like humans, active dogs are likely to break their bones or tear their ligaments. If your dog loves intense jumping or running, its hock joint on its back limb is susceptible to injury. Good thing, there are different ways to treat a dog swollen hock joint. This way, your pet has a chance to fully recover.
So, what is a Hock on a Dog?
The dog’s hock joint is located on the back leg below the knee (stifle). It corresponds to the ankle joint on a person. The dog hock creates that sharp angle you see at the canine rear legs. Unlike humans, dogs doesn’t put their weight on the heels. However, the two joints are comparable in structure and basic function.
The hock joint dog connects the paw bones (talus and calcaneus bones) to the bones of the shin (tibia and fibula). After a traumatic incident, your canine may tear any of the four primary ligaments. Alternatively, it may lead to a fracture of the tibia or fibula bone.
If your canine injures its joints, there are clear signs. These include a dog swollen hock joint or a sudden onset of lameness.
The Common Dog Hock Injuries
Is your canine limping on its hind leg? Have you noticed a dog swollen hock joint? Well, there are various chronic conditions or ligament injuries causing pain to your dog in its ankle or Achilles tendon.
• Osteoarthritis on the Hock Joint
Osteoarthritis is a common form of dog arthritis. It occurs when the protective cartilage wears out and the bones rub together. As a degenerative disease, osteoarthritis is common in older dogs.
• Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)
OCD is a developmental condition that arises from cartilage damage. Here, a piece of bone or cartilage detaches from the cartilage surface. The ailment is common in young but large breed pups. OCD affects the shoulder but can also affect the knee, hock or the elbow.
• Hock Dislocation
If you step on your dog or its hit by a car, it may suffer from hock dislocation. This is a fracture of bones or a tear of the ligaments in the ankle.
Slight Muscle Pull/ Sprained Hock
If your dog’s back paw is stuck in a hole while running at high speeds, it may sprain their hock. The sprain affects the ligaments leading to a dog swollen hock joint.
The Dog Hock Brace and Other Treatments
If you suspect cases of dog hock injury, consult your veterinarian. The expert will do a physical examination to identify whether there’s any case of a bone fracture.
Once the expert knows the problem, they’ll advise on the best treatment. The conservative medical options for dog swollen hock joints include ankle brace socks and arthritic knee brace.
How Does a Dog Hock Brace Work?
An ankle brace sock is giving pet owners relief for their dogs. The hock splints for dogs helps address hock problems. The hock brace acts to prevent sprains and injuries to your dog’s allowing them to move easily and without any pain. The dog wraps fits to the hock angle thus preventing it from hyper-extending. Using the wrap on a non-injured hock leg works to prevent any injuries. If the hock is unstable, the leg wrap holds the joint in place allowing scar tissue to develop. Supporting the joint laterally and medially allows your pet to move easily without injuring or straining the joint.
Is your dog experiencing any problems while walking or running? Consult a veterinarian before addressing the issue. Once you get the right treatment, be ready to implement it. The right treatment plan is the best, quicker, and faster way for your dog to get into its favorite lifestyle. That’s the only way to ensure your pet lives a happy and comfortable life.
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