If you have a pet that hasn’t been fixed, it’s time to consider spaying or neutering. While some people may think it’s not that important, it actually is one of the most important things you can do healthwise for your pet. If you need extra convincing, here are a couple of significant reasons why you should always spay and neuter your pets at your vet clinic.
The Benefits Of Spaying And Neutering
- Healthier Lives. As any good vet clinic will tell you, spaying your female pet can help mitigate the risk of breast cancer and uterine infections. If contracted, these are fatal in nearly 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. The best way to avoid these issues is by spaying. Males also benefit, as neutering helps prevent testicular cancer and unwanted litters.
- No Heat. Spayed females won’t go into heat. Typically, female cats enter heat every three weeks during mating season, with each bought lasting four or five days. This means increased yowling and urinating, most usually all throughout the house. Spaying prevents this and helps keep your carpets clean.
- Roaming. Male dogs typically have the urge to roam to find a mate. Behaviors that signify this can be digging under fences, and trying to escape out open doorways. Neutering helps mitigate this desire and put a stop to unwanted roaming.
- Male Behavior. When a male cat or dog is neutered they are much more focused on their human companions. This is because they don’t have territorial urges or aggression brought on by hormonal changes that drive the urge to mate. Any good vet clinic will tell you that the best way to avoid behavioral issues is to neuter early.
- Community Good. Stray animals can be a problem in many communities. They can cause damage, car accidents, and scare children. Spaying and neutering can help keep the stray population down, which in turn benefits everyone in the community; especially the animals.
- The Miracle of Birth. Having a litter without the intention of keeping the animals or giving them away to responsible loving homes, isn’t a productive way to teach children about the miracle of birth. With so many unwanted animals already in shelters, having a litter and then taking them there is never a good idea.
- Overpopulation. Speaking of crowded shelters, millions of cats and dogs are euthanized or put out on the streets every year. With so many animals needlessly being put down, or left to roam the street and potentially add to the overpopulation problem, it’s in everyone’s best interest to get your pet fixed.
If you’ve adopted a new puppy, or are thinking of doing so, consider getting them spayed or neutered when your vet clinic suggests it. Not only can you help mitigate health issues and behavioral problems, but you can lower the risk of adding more animals to this world that we don’t have the resources to care for despite how much we may want too.
Talk to the professionals at your local vet clinic to learn more about the ins and out of these procedures. It is one of the most important things you can do for your pet and one that can help them live a longer, healthier life.