Veterinary practice marketing is crucial if you want to make your practice stand out among the hundreds of other that may be established in your town. You will want pet owners to think of your practice first when they want to take their pets in for routine care or in during an emergency. With proper marketing strategies, you will easily be able to achieve this goal.
One of the ways to do this is by creating a visually attractive, user-friendly, professional website. You can build this website on your own using online veterinary website templates, or you can outsource this to a professional website service, particularly one that specializes in veterinary advertising and marketing. There are several companies that offer veterinary website design that also focuses on search engine optimization, as well as social media marketing to give you the best chance at driving more traffic to your website.
The advantage of using a multi-faceted approach to your website design is that it reaches out to a larger percentage of potential customers. Search engine optimization aims at raising your search engine rankings through organic methods, such as creating engaging content for your website that entices readers into clicking on back links that direct them to your website. Your website can also be built using target keywords that will increase the chances of your site appearing on the first search engine results page, and this is critical to driving traffic, because only about 25% of people ever scroll beyond the first page of results on any search engine. Furthermore, search engines are the number one contributor of traffic to websites.
The veterinary website templates that these professional design companies use can also include more interactive tools, such as a blog, or links to a social media account. Companies can blog have 424% more indexed pages than ones that do not, and the reason is that people are looking for a way to open the lines of communication. This is why a Facebook page or a Twitter account would be beneficial. There are more than 500 billion social media users worldwide, and more than 15 million users consult social media channels before they make any purchase, according to Knowledge Networks. You can reach out to them by answering questions about pet care, and sharing health care discounts and deals instantly through these social mediums.
Another major part of website design is responsive web design. All veterinary website templates will need to be compatible with smartphones and mobile devices. Pew Research shows that more than half of all Americans own a smartphone, and many also have tablets or iPads. Close to half of these users go on the internet using only their smartphones, and creating a website that translates well to all mobile devices will be critical to attracting potential customers. For example, if a pet owner wants to find out about your services, and your website takes forever to load, or it is not mobile optimized, a user is more likely to hit the back button and look for another veterinary website. In fact, the average smartphone user does not wait more than 3 seconds for a website to load.
By investing in high quality website design that incorporates proven marketing strategies, you will be able to raise your site’s search ranking, which will drive more potential customers to your website. This could result in higher traffic to your practice, and ultimately, help you beat out the competition. Read more articles like this.