It used to be the case that people drove around looking for services. People would notice the businesses in town while they were out and about, visit the yellow pages, or ask friends and neighbors for recommendations. These days that rarely happens. This is because we have access to an incredible wealth of knowledge, all of the answers to any question we could ever reasonably pose, and information about any product or service we are looking for all at the tips of our fingers. Now, if someone is looking for a product or service, they can do so from the comfort of their own couch, in their favorite elastic band pants, fingers crusted over with Cheeto dust.
This is why every business needs a professional website, including veterinary practices. Veterinary marketing these days includes internet marketing, and the foundation for that is a quality website. The days of making sure that your brick and mortar store is maintained, clean, and attractive aren’t over, but there is a new face for your business, and it needs to look good as well. They say that first impressions are everything, and chances are the first experience your potential customer is going to have with your business is visiting your website. Eighty percent of 18 to 34 year olds use the internet to find a vet, which is a pretty large demographic to ignore.
Your veterinary marketing strategy is very much dependent now on the presence your clinic has on the internet, including email marketing campaigns, social media, and of course, your veterinary clinic website. If you aren’t already, you need to dedicate time to updating and maintaining your online presence. Read more here.