Deciding to bring a dog into your life requires plenty of thought and consideration. You’ll need to consider whether you’ve got the time and expertise necessary to care for them, but this alone isn’t enough. If you hope to provide an environment conducive to raising a healthy, stable pet, you’ll need to make some home upgrades.
While every pup is different, the following list of improvements should help you set your home up to allow any new puppy to settle in quickly.
Fenced-in Yard
After all of your energy choosing your new puppy, don’t let them drive you crazy by running away. A fenced-in yard is an important part of your home when settling a new puppy into your life. Just because your puppy is small does not mean you can just let him out into your yard alone. It would help if you considered that even a small dog could run away, dig under the fence and get lost, or be picked up by somebody who takes them off to an animal shelter. The size of the backyard has nothing to do with whether or not it is secure. It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or your yard is the size of a postage stamp; if there are escape opportunities for your dog, he will find them.
The key to preventing this is to make sure that nothing allows him to dig his way out, jump over the fence, squeeze under the gate or climb over it. Several materials can be used to build the fence. There are high-end products, such as aluminum and wood fencing at your local home improvement stores, or cheaper but equally effective plastic fencing panels available at pet supply stores. Some people have luck using cast iron grates or chainlink fence, making sure it is low enough that the puppy cannot get out of it. You may need to hire a fence installation company to execute this task on your behalf. Everything has to be extremely sturdy and tied down to prevent bending or lifting from a growing pup’s efforts to escape.
Cover Any Exposed Outlets
Having a new puppy in the house is an exciting time, but there can be some challenges. One of those is ensuring that your home’s outlets are safe enough to protect any curious little paws. There are many ways to keep your pup away from dangerous areas around the house, and the first step is probably by having a puppy-proofed home. But one thing you might not think about right away is the need to cover any exposed outlets — and why it’s important to do so before you bring your new pup home.
Covering your outlet covers helps ensure that curious puppies stay safe. If your pup does get hold of an outlet, the plastic cover will help prevent any electrical burns and allow them to let go before getting shocked. If your pup is shocked, be sure to give him some space and then use a spray bottle filled with water to encourage the pup to let go. If it doesn’t work, you can always try vinegar or another citrus-smelling agent to help coax them into letting go of the outlet. Once they do, examine their paw for burns. If they do have any, hold a cool compress on the area until your pup’s skin returns to its normal color, and then give him a treat. Cover each one immediately following the event if you suspect that your pup may be shocked by an outlet. Puppies won’t learn from their mistakes if electrical injuries happen repeatedly. Since most puppies will chew on anything they can get their paws on at some point, make sure to cover any exposed outlets as soon as possible.
Invest in a Carpet Cleaner
What an exciting time settling your new puppy into your home! But while you may be excited about getting the newest member of your family, some things need to be done first. And one of them is investing in the best carpet cleaner you can find. Investing in a carpet cleaner is not an option but the most important thing to do when settling your new puppy into your home. Carpet cleaners play a vital role in the house when you have pets. They get rid of the dirt and potential stains and can also be used to vacuum your car and make everything look beautiful, fresh, and new.
However, you will need to consider several options as there are many different models and brands. In addition, prices vary from one model to another, with some costing over $1500 and others at under $100. Hence, it is important to understand different factors affecting the prices and choose the best carpet cleaner for your home. Carpet cleaners can either be steam or dry. They use hot water and a cleaning solution that heats up and then extracts grime and dirt from carpets by using a rotating brush underneath. The dirt and grime are then sucked into a container attached to the bottom.
The best carpet cleaners should be able to deal with different types of stains and work well on different kinds of carpets. Most cleaners can be charged using an electrical outlet, and others run on batteries. Some cleaners also come with a hard floor attachment, which makes it easy for you to clean different types of floors and carpets. So investing in the best carpet cleaner becomes more than important but vital when settling your new puppy into your home.
Remove Potential Hazards
The first few days with your new puppy can be an exciting time and filled with stress and confusion. When you adopt or bring home a new puppy, many changes need to be made. Your focus should be on making the transition as smooth as possible for you. One aspect of this is to establish a safe environment for you and your puppy quickly. This includes making the house ‘puppy-proof’ by removing all poisonous substances from within his reach, securing poisonous plants or unfamiliar objects where he can get to them, and preventing him from getting into dangerous situations like falling downstairs or getting trapped in a system prone to drain clog.
One of the first things you must do is list all dangerous objects or substances in your home. Obtain a good book on poisons and another one providing information on houseplants. Also, watch for articles in pet journals and magazines and newspaper stories on poisoning incidents, losses of pets to poisoning, etc., that may be reported in your local newspaper. Check these sources, particularly the list of poisonous plants and poisons at home. You need to secure all poisonous products, including chemicals used for pest control and ensure they are out of your puppy’s reach by putting them high up on shelves where he cannot get to them, either in your bedroom or bathroom. It’s also a good idea to keep your puppy in one room of the house that has only his food and water, dishes, bedding, toys, and possibly an indoor potty area during this initial time when he is learning what not to chew.
A Large, Green Tuft of Grass
When you bring a new puppy into your home, it’s important to ensure the dog has enough room while you are training her. While an average human being would need around 80-100 sq ft for comfortable living, dogs have many different needs. The general guideline is to have 18 sq ft of space for each puppy in your home. However, this number can vary with the breed’s size being brought into the house. A large breed puppy might need more room, while a small one might need less space.
You may also want to consider the temperament of your dog. An anxious or hyper dog may need more space to feel comfortable, while a calm and collected breed might do better with less room. Regardless of the type of dog you have, it is important to ensure they are comfortable when being trained in your home. If your pup isn’t getting enough space, this can lead to destruction, which will only prolong the training process.
When your new dog finally has the space she needs, positive reinforcement training will be much easier. It’s also important to remember that puppies need plenty of exercises to keep them in good shape and train them properly. Having a large, green tuft of grass to play on can help prevent stress and anxiety until your dog has the training process down pat. There are many different types of grass for dogs on the market. Find one that can provide comfort and security to your pet when bringing them home from a breeder, shelter, or rescue.
Put a Fence around In-Ground Pools
A new puppy is a great addition to your family. But before you bring the new furry member home, look for things that could hurt them and plan ways to prevent it from happening. One important item on this list should be an in-ground pool. Your pup will love running up to the fence surrounding your pool and trying to take a drink out of it, but the water is almost always too dangerous for them to drink. This has led to many dogs becoming extremely sick or even dying because they swallowed enough pool water to be toxic.
Before you bring your new puppy home, put in an in-ground pool fence to serve as pool covers that will keep them safe. You may think that a simple barrier around the edge of your pool will keep your puppy from going in. But if they want to, nothing is going to stop them. A dog’s natural curiosity and love of running will outweigh any dangers they know about before jumping into the water, so an in-ground fence around your pool is so important. This is not to say that you must go out and buy the most expensive fence on the market.
A simple set of pool cages designed for pets will do the trick. If your puppy can’t fit through them, they are not going anywhere near the pool. This means you don’t have to worry about them chasing a ball into it or jumping in to retrieve it accidentally. This will ensure that your dog is safe and happy for years of fun ahead of them.
Keep the Lawn Trimmed and under Control
Keeping the lawn trimmed is important when settling a new puppy into your home. Even if you already have a dog, a new puppy will change how your yard looks and needs to be treated. If it is the first time owning a dog or having one in your household, there are some things to look out for when setting the home up with the living conditions of your new pup. Trimming your lawn is one of the most important parts of keeping a pup happy and healthy. As you may already know, grass will play a huge role in your new puppy’s health, hygiene, and happiness.
A new puppy needs lots of room to run, play catch with the kids, and take naps in the sun. This is possible if you have an open lawn filled with lush green grass. But that means you need to keep it trimmed, so there are no obstacles in your pup’s way when it comes time for them to run around. The perfect way to keep your lawn maintained is by hiring one of the lawn treatment companies which can provide you much-needed services in residential landscape maintenance.
Be Wary of Heat
As a puppy is being settled into your home, they will most likely spend some time outside. As you have already made sure that the new addition to your home is safe in your yard, it can be easy to forget that the temperature outside does not become lethal for the pup. Heat exhaustion is a real danger for dogs, especially when they are puppies. Make sure that you keep a watchful eye on the air and heating levels to prevent further damage. You will want to make sure that your puppy’s area is shaded when they are outside.
Puppies do not have a good deal of body mass, making them especially susceptible to heat exhaustion. Their body temperatures can quickly rise, which will lead to damage if the proper steps are not taken. Puppies should always have a place to get out of the sun if they feel overwhelmed. If possible, position a kiddie pool for them to enjoy. This way, even if they are laying down in the shade, their body temperature will be kept lower than it would have been otherwise.
It would be best to never leave your puppy outside for too long, even in the shade. Make sure that you bring them inside and attempt to cool their body temperature as quickly as possible. This can be done by placing a cold pack on the back of their neck and covering them with towels soaked in ice water.
When you’ve decided to bring a new pet into your home, it’s only natural that you’ll want to rush out and pick up everything needed for his living quarters. However, with puppies, this is one time when planning can save you from many potential headaches later on. The tips discussed in this article would help you adequately upgrade your house to accommodate your new furry friend.