So you finally got a professional website and you’re ready to start branching out with your internet and veterinary marketing strategies. You’re already in a good place, since quality vet websites are the cornerstone of any internet vet marketing campaign. Now you need to start reaching out and connecting with your clients to bring in some new faces (furry and otherwise) into your clinic. Here are three of the most direct ways you can connect with them (the people, not their pets).
Email may seem to be a tired form of advertising. People don’t even open them anymore, right? Wrong. Email marketing can bring in more than $40 per dollar spent on it. Send reminder emails for appointments or annual procedures. Tell people if you’re having an event or just got some cool new products in the clinic.
Social media
The majority of people these days are a member of one or more social media websites, so setting your clinic up on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest is a good way to connect and get your messages to them directly and timely. What’s more, is that many people check these sites multiple times a day every day, so they probably won’t miss whatever message you’re trying to send. Just make sure you’re using them right.
Another good way to connect with clients is to start a blog and update it often. More than half of companies that have a blog have gotten a customer through it. A blog offers you a platform to talk about recent news in the vet world, talk about the importance of certain procedures or vaccines, or what to do after a pet has been hurt.
The majority of people between the ages of 18 and 34 use the internet to find a vet, so you’re going to want your web presence to be as widespread as possible. Just make sure you’re doing it often and consistently. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know in the comments.
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